Monday, August 8, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Long, but worth it.  Very action packed and similar to the first two. 

Sorry this is late, but I am catching up on the blog after seeing this months ago.  :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


OMG, this movie will be apart of my movie collection and sit right next to The Hangover.

This is the female version of The Hangover!!!

And no guys, this is not a chick flick!! Although, most of the guys cemented with their lady, they were laughing, sometimes, harder than me! :-)

A must see if you enjoy witty comedies.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011



First off...this had one of the best visual intros I've seen in awhile. It's like taking a roller coaster all through New York city.

The plot of this movie was intriguing.

What if you were able to take a pill that would allow you to use 100% of your brain, instead of the 20% studies say most humans use?

Just like the title suggests...your opportunities would be limitless.

The movie of course was action packed, thrilling, & a touch of "ewe, did he just do that?" (you'll know what I mean when you see the movie).

Definitely a must see. And I don't say this often with free online downloads & free movie screenings, but I will be buying this when it hits stores.

And if any of this was lost to you, it just further proves some of us aren't even using the 20%. :-)
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

I just screened this film and talked to the director, George Nolfi and co-star, Anthony Mackie. Nolfi is known best for his writing for The Bourne Ultimatum & Ocean's Twelve.

This is his first attempt at writing, directing, & producing a film...and it's not a bad 1st shot.

The film is about the human battle of fate versus free will. The adjustment bureau, a team of people who are seen as a step above humans, will gladly "adjust" situations in your life to ensure you follow the plan the Chairman has laid out for you.

There were distinct similarities between this film and The Matrix, a film the director says is one of his favorites, but different.

Overall, the movie was good. There was some cute comedy written for Matt Damon's character which does add a little more entertainment than The Matrix.

I would say go check it long as you don't mess with your fate. :-)
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

For Colored Girls

I actually had a friend tell me she didn't like this movie because she couldn't follow where it was going.  But as you know, I had to go check it out for myself. And here are my thoughts...

First off I will say, this movie is long - 2 hours. Has a great cast.  And is very emotional.

I was curious as to how Tyler Perry was going to turn a Broadway show into a movie.  I think he did a good job of portraying the characters backgrounds while keep the original script from the play.  Something I think is extremely hard to do.

You must realize going into this movie that this was a play.  A play where each character recited a monologue describing their life, situation, and hardships.  It's easy to get lost in the character's monologue, so you have to pay close attention to all the details in their life on screen.

As for the emotional part, I felt as if I didn't want to date ANYONE after watching this movie.  Some of the scenes are so troubling, that women were crying in the theatre.  I'm not talking a tear here or I mean weeping and needing to blow their nose.  smileys

All in all, I am glad I saw it.  And I actually recommend it for black men to see. 

I have heard of so many men calling black women bitter.  I think this sheds a light on some of the hardships black women have faced and overcome.   I wouldn't call them bitter, I would say they have been broken.  So I challenge the men to start mending the wounds inflicted by some of your brothers. 
 innocent smileys

Paramornal Activity 2

This movie is like Poltergeist meets The Blair Witch Project.  Lots of waiting to see what is going to happen next. 

If you get motion sickness easily, the 1st half of the movie may make you queasy.

It does help you follow along if you watched the 1st Paranormal Activity because some of the characters are the same and shows the connection between those characters.

Other than that, there are no happy endings and just like the Blair Witch are left wondering what happens next. 

So if you are in the mood for some suspense, go check it out.  But you won't feel slighted if you wait for the DVD.

sign smileys

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Town

I can't say I was really excited to see this movie.  Matter of fact I only have one sentence to describe it.

It is just like the 1996 movie "Set It Off" featuring Queen Latifah and Jada Pinkett, but for men.

That pretty much describes it.  :)